Modern active learning strategies depend on the learner's positivity in the educational situation and aim to activate the learner's role in terms of effective learning through research and experimentation and the learner's reliance on himself in obtaining information, acquiring skills, and forming values and attitudes. It is not based on memorization and indoctrination, but rather on developing thinking and the ability to solve problems, and on teamwork and cooperative learning. This is what we will discuss during this article, the most important modern active learning strategies to improve learning.
Modern Active Learning Strategies
There are a set of decisions that the teacher makes, and these decisions are reflected in patterns of actions performed by the teacher and students in the situation, including:
- Dialogue and discussion strategy
- Brainstorming strategy
- problem solving strategy
How to apply modern active learning strategies
Each of the modern active learning strategies has procedural steps, and the common steps between them all are:
- Define the strategy's objective and indicate its title.
- Presentation of learning topics.
- Doing the right psychological preparation to attract attention.
- Determine the tasks required of your students.
- Provide clear instructions for completing the task and make sure students understand these instructions.
- Give students enough time to complete their assignments.
- Move quietly among students to help them and make sure their work is progressing correctly.
Explanation of the dialogue and discussion strategy
This strategy is considered one of the most important modern active learning strategies and aims to stimulate students’ thinking and participation and provide opportunities for questions and discussion while respecting students’ opinions and suggestions. This method helps students develop their cognitive, emotional and social personalities.
Basically it is a method based on research, information gathering, analysis, comparison and class discussion where each student is informed about the materials and research results of his classmates and all students are prepared to join the lesson.
This method depends on three interconnected steps:
- Preparing for discussion
- Walk in the discussion
- Discussion Calendar
During the lesson, when a question or questions arise that require research, teachers ask students to search for answers in the school library or other sources. Students write down the answers they receive and identify them in preparation for discussing them in a specific class. In the discussion class, each student presents the information he or she has collected about the problem, the students exchange answers, and the teacher organizes and manages the discussion process.
Teachers should consider the following points:
- Save time by keeping the discussion focused on the purpose of the lesson and the topic being discussed.
- Teachers should pay attention to individual differences among students and provide opportunities for discussion and participation for all.
- Teachers should pay attention to motivating students, praising them, and respecting students' initiative.
Types of discussion
- Guided discussion: based on questions and answers, which leads to training students’ independent thinking and memory skills.
- Dialectical discovery discussion: based on questions that lead to good decisions and create curiosity and a love of knowledge.
- Free group discussion: A group of students sit in a circle and discuss a topic that interests them all.
- Seminar: It consists of a speaker and a small number of students (no more than 6) sitting in a semi-circle in front of their colleagues. The speaker presents the topic of discussion and guides the participants to achieve balance. Then he makes a final summary of the issue and the results of the discussion.
- Pair discussion: Two students sit in front of the class, one plays the role of the questioner and the other the role of the respondent, and they can switch roles.
- Working groups: This method works by forming small groups within the class where each group learns different aspects of a particular problem and the groups can be reorganized to take into account students’ interests or new topics.
Features of the dialogue style
- Encourage students to participate in the learning process
- Making student behavior more effective than just receiving a lesson
- Helps students recognize learned behavioral patterns and prepare for a new beginning.
- It helps develop students' thinking because it involves students receiving information rather than the teacher giving it to them.
- Stimulate students' interest in the lesson by presenting the problem in the form of a question and asking students to suggest solutions.
- It helps students develop a healthy personality because they think for themselves and express their opinions and ideas.
- Helps strengthen the relationship between teacher and students
- Students are taught to listen and respect the opinions of others.
- Students develop important qualities such as objectivity and adaptability.
- Students are encouraged to express any opinions boldly which improves classroom interaction.
- Develops students' critical thinking skills and helps them connect experiences and facts.
- Helps students master the material by encouraging them to actively understand what they are learning in class.
Conditions that increase the effectiveness of the dialogue and discussion strategy
- Choose the right time to teach your students.
- Ask challenging questions to stimulate interest and desire for research and learning.
- Teachers may not express their opinions or suggest that a particular answer should be accepted during the discussion.
- Teachers should avoid being judgmental during discussions and listen to all opinions with equal interest.
- Give students time to think so they can revisit their original answers.
- The teacher asks specific questions during class to bring the dialogue and discussion back to the current topic.
- Consider distributing opportunities equally to everyone, rather than letting certain students control the interaction session.
Brainstorming Strategy Explained
Brainstorming strategies are one of the most important strategies in modern active learning and one of the many ways to stimulate thinking and creativity. There are more than 30 methods in the United States and more than 100 methods in Japan, including the American method.
Brainstorming is used as a means of group or individual thinking to solve various scientific and life problems with the aim of enhancing mental abilities and processes. The term brainstorming also means using your mind to solve problems effectively.
Brainstorming objectives
The brainstorming session aims to achieve the following objectives:
- creative problem solving
- create problems for the opponent
- Finding new problems and projects
- Motivation and training of trainees' creativity training
Brainstorming stages
This method can be used in the second stage of the creative process, which consists of three main stages:
- Identify the problem
- Search for or generate ideas
- Find the solution
Problem solving strategy explanation
One of the most important modern active learning strategies is a series of processes that a person performs using the information and knowledge he has previously learned and the skills he has acquired to overcome the situation in new and unknown ways and to control the situation and find a solution.
Problem solving is a method in which the mind works by placing the student or child in a real-life situation with the aim of reaching a state of cognitive balance in order to succeed. This state is the state in which one reaches the solution. Answer
Problem types are divided into five types based on the clarity of data and objectives.
- Problems with clearly defined data and goals
- Problems where data is clear but goals are not clearly defined
- Problems where the goal is specific and clear but the data is unclear
- Problems with unclear goals and data
- Problems for which there is a correct answer but the steps required to get from the current state to the final state are not clear. These are known as insight problems.
Problem solving method
Experts divide the methods of solving problems related to a topic or question presented to an individual or student into two methods that are similar in some elements but different in many elements.
- How to solve the problem using normal or accepted methods
Regular problem solving approaches resemble the scientific way of thinking when faced with problems and are therefore defined as a purposeful and flexible mental activity that people regularly engage in in an attempt to solve problems.
- How to solve problems in innovative and creative ways.
It requires a high degree of sensitivity on the part of the student or the person dealing with the problem in defining it and determining its dimensions, which ordinary students or individuals cannot perceive. It also requires a high degree of deducing relationships and deducing attachments, whether in formulating hypotheses or arriving at the innovative product.
Top 7 Modern Active Learning Strategies
flipped learning
This is a type of modern active learning strategy that involves having students review content outside of class through pre-prepared videos and teacher-prepared reading materials. The classroom becomes a place for interactive discussions and hands-on activities where teachers and peers collaborate to provide corrective feedback, allowing teachers to focus on students' weaknesses, clarify concepts, and reinforce knowledge.
Inquiry-based learning
One of the modern active learning strategies is an educational strategy in which students follow the methods and practices used by scientists to build knowledge. Students often engage in self-directed learning in a didactic manner under the supervision of the teacher and partly by conducting experiments to explore relationships between variables. This strategy encourages students to ask questions, conduct research, and explore topics independently to improve their critical thinking skills.
Collaborative learning
One of the modern active learning strategies is considered a modern teaching method in which teachers divide students into groups and ask them to solve problems or discuss topics either among themselves or under the supervision of the teacher to enhance communication and teamwork skills and add an atmosphere of passion, fun, cooperation and knowledge to the course.
Peer tutoring
One of the modern active learning strategies , peer teaching is considered an innovative and effective educational method to improve the learning process. This type of teaching integrates students into the learning process, motivates them while teaching each other, and builds their confidence while increasing their sense of responsibility towards the learning process.
Game-based education
One of the modern active learning strategies is an innovative approach that integrates play and learning, which motivates students to interact and participate effectively by helping them gain a deeper understanding of concepts through interactive experiences. Game-based learning enables comprehensive and enjoyable learning in a context that promotes creative thinking and problem solving.
Project Based Learning
One of the most important modern active learning strategies that aims to provide students with important practical experience through implementing applied and practical projects that simulate real-life problems. This strategy enhances the development of life skills such as analytical thinking and problem solving, improves understanding of topics, and deepens active learning.
Self-directed learning
One of the modern active learning strategies that allows learners to take responsibility for their learning with the support and guidance of the teacher. It relies on the use of available learning resources such as books and the Internet and encourages the development of research and self-analysis skills as well as the development of personal abilities.
The importance of modern active learning
Modern active learning has many benefits, including:
- Developing teamwork skills: Teamwork is one of the most effective modern active learning methods as it helps students develop their communication skills.
- Promotes Expression: Modern active learning helps students express and defend their ideas rather than sitting around taking notes throughout class.
- Encouraging students to prepare for the subject: Modern active learning applications require motivating students to participate and interact with each lesson. This is different from traditional student attendance, which does not require participation. Student participation also increases the effectiveness of ideas and the formation of ideas.
- Improve students' critical thinking: Through modern active learning activities, students learn how to share ideas, think effectively, and justify their ideas.
- Memory Stimulation: Active learning activities help students understand and remember ideas better than words alone.
- Stimulates creative thinking: Creativity is one of the most difficult skills to teach using traditional teaching methods, but modern active learning provides a learning environment that helps students think and develop their creative abilities.
Obstacles facing educational institutions in activating modern active learning strategies
Educational institutions face many challenges and obstacles in implementing modern active learning strategies. These obstacles include material, technical, human and administrative aspects. The following are some of the most prominent of these issues:
- Financial resources are limited and these applications require updating educational institutions and providing advanced technologies that may not be available in some institutions.
- Lack of teacher training and professional development: Promoting modern active learning strategies requires teachers to receive continuous training to acquire skills in using technology and new teaching methods .
- Teachers and administrators resist change because they find it difficult to adapt to new methods, especially if they have been accustomed to traditional methods for a long time.
- Technology infrastructure such as high-speed Internet networks and modern computers can be a challenge for some organizations.
- Equal access to technology and digital resources can be a challenge in low-income communities.
- Privacy and Cybersecurity Issues As the use of technology increases, so do concerns about privacy and cybersecurity.
- Sustainability and follow-up to ensure the continued use and updating of modern teaching methods .
Evaluation methods in light of modern active learning strategies
Under modern educational strategies, assessment methods have evolved to become more diverse and interactive, focusing on assessing students’ skills and abilities in ways that go beyond traditional tests:
- Formative assessment
This is an assessment method that focuses on monitoring and evaluating student performance over an extended period of time rather than just focusing on the final grade. It provides ongoing feedback throughout the learning process and helps students improve their performance. This may include tests, discussions, and class work. The aim of this approach is to develop concepts and skills at advanced levels and improve teacher-student interaction.
- formative assessment
This is done at the end of a learning unit or course and aims to measure how well students have achieved their learning objectives and may include tests, final projects, presentations, etc. to support learning and continuous improvement of learning outcomes.
- Self-assessment and peer assessment
Students evaluate their own work and that of their classmates and develop critical thinking and the ability to provide constructive criticism. They are an important part of the learning process and personal growth. They enhance self-awareness and improve performance by overcoming challenges and opening up opportunities for improvement.
- Project-based assessment
Students are assessed on applied projects that reflect real-world problems and measure their ability to apply knowledge with an emphasis on effectiveness in implementing educational projects. This approach includes evaluation of different aspects of the project including design, implementation, innovation and final outcomes.
- Observational assessment
Monitor student performance in the classroom and assess student interaction, engagement and problem-solving abilities. This facilitates immediate assessment and areas for improvement with a focus on actual skills and appropriate behaviors.
- Assessment using technology
Modern technology tools such as online assessment software, virtual reality and interactive applications are used to conduct assessments that improve the accuracy and efficiency of educational assessment. Teachers can use online assessment platforms to create and submit online tests and analyze results in real time.
The role of platform.com in improving learning through modern active learning strategies
- Integrating interactive resources into daily lessons: Teachers can use educational videos and interactive games available on the Madrasa.com platform to explain concepts in an interesting way. This improves students’ understanding and makes learning more fun.
- Developing blended learning projects: Teachers can use the tools of the Madrasa.com platform to develop projects that include research, planning and implementation. Students can work on these projects inside and outside the classroom, which improves their ability to apply theoretical concepts to real-life situations.
- Host collaborative online courses: You can hold collaborative learning sessions where students collaborate with their peers on shared tasks through the platform. This gives students the opportunity to effectively exchange ideas and learn from each other.
- Use the platform to solve real problems: Through the Madrasa.com platform, teachers can present realistic and challenging problems and encourage students to investigate, collect information and suggest solutions. This improves students’ critical and analytical thinking skills.
- Integrating online learning and traditional classes: Teachers can use the Madrasa.com platform to provide supplementary materials and online learning to support traditional lessons. This approach increases flexibility in the educational process and provides students with opportunities for self-study.
In conclusion, no matter how diverse and different modern active learning strategies are, the quality and nature of the educational session, its purpose and content, the level of the learners, and the specificity of each educational environment remain the determinant of any strategy.
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